Διαγωνισμός Καν' το ν' ακουστεί | Μαθητικός Διαγωνισμός Ραδιοφωνικού Μηνύματος και Τραγουδιού Καν' το ν΄ ακουστεί 2023 - Η νέα γενιά για την Ειρήνη
Μαθητικός Διαγωνισμός Ραδιοφωνικού Μηνύματος και Τραγουδιού Καν' το ν΄ ακουστεί 2023 - Η νέα γενιά για την Ειρήνη
European School Radio Μαθητικός Διαγωνισμός Ραδιοφωνικού Μηνύματος και Τραγουδιού Καν' το ν΄ ακουστεί 2023 -Η νέα γενιά για την Ειρήνη
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Podcast & Song Student Contest

Latest News

  • The evaluation of the entries has started!

    Dear teachers, You can now access the page to evaluate all the entries in the category you are competing in except for your entry/ies. First, you have to log in, using the information you submitted your entry/ies with, and you will find the evaluation form!......

  • Submission Completion – Next Steps

    Dear Teachers, We sincerely thank you for submitting the podcasts and songs you carefully prepared with your students. In total, we have successfully reached 402 entries—198 songs and 204 podcasts. A special thank you also goes to the Technical Support team of European School Radio,......

  • New and final extension for submission of entries

    Dear Teachers/Team Leaders, We wish you a Happy New Year filled with inspiration and creativity in all your school actions. We hope that the Podcast and Song Seminars held on December 13 and 16, 2024, proved inspiring and encouraged you to create imaginative and successful......

  • Invitation for teachers to participate in the “Make It Heard 2025” Podcast & Song Seminars

    Dear Teachers, We have scheduled two (2) training seminars, one for each competition category, to support the creation of the Podcast and the Song in your schools. The Podcast seminar will take place on Friday 13/12/2024, 18.00-20.00 (UTC+2) The Song seminar will take place on......


Podcast & Song Contest ``Make it heard 2025``

Podcast and Song

Student Contest


Make it heard 2025


 Submit your entries  from  November 25, 2024




If you have any questions about the Contest, please send us an email at: contest@europeanschoolradio.eu